THE FARMINGTON AREA SENIOR CITIZENS On October 4th. 1976, 15 interested Farmington Seniors met to form the FARMINGTON AREA SENIOR CITIZENS. Their purpose was (and still is) “To promote social and recreational activities and good fellowship among senior citizens”. In October, 2010, we celebrated our 34th anniversary. General Information All People 60 and older are welcome Meetings held at: Mertensia Park Lodge - 1348 Mertensia Road The first and Third Mondays of the month. Note: Cancellation policy PROCESS FOR CANCELING SCHEDULED MEETINGS DOCUMENTED APRIL 2015 Scheduled Meeting on Canandaigua or Victor School Holiday The meeting schedule distributed twice a year is the source of information to determine if there is a meeting on a school holiday. The Club never meets on Labor Day. However, meetings typically are held on Martin Luther King Day and Presidents Day. Inclement Weather If Victor or Canandaigua Schools are closed because of bad weather on the Monday of a scheduled meeting, our meeting will not be held. Calls will not be made to members. Contact an officer with questions. If the schools are not closed, yet the weather is questionable, the President will make the decision to cancel the meeting. The President will then contact the members who have volunteered to contact others to notify them of the cancellation. As of March, 2015, the three individuals who manage the call tree are: Betty Powell, June Mack, and Lynn Kujawski. The Treasurer maintains the list of members with their telephone numbers and addresses that are used for the call tree. Any Other Reason If a meeting needs to be cancelled for any other reason, the President will make the decision and the call tree process described above will be used to notify members.
Dues: $10.00 per year plus a $ 1.25 used as a Holiday fund – flowers to shut-ins In addition: Farmington and Victor Seniors have a trip to various places some months. Get details from any officer below; Farmington members can sign up at meetings. Other seniors welcome. We will add to this web page as time permits, contact the officers listed below with your suggestions.
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