To review the minutes from the Public Informational Meeting held on February 25, 2016, please click on the link above. Also, to submit your comments, see the Feedback link below. The Town of Farmington applied for a grant to extend the Auburn Trail from County Road 41 to the Farmington Canandaigua Town Line road. The Town was granted approval in November 2014. We expect the build out process to extend into 2017-2018 before completion. This grant was in response to the Auburn Trail Feasibility study to connect the City of Canandaigua, Towns of Farmington and Canandaigua. See the items listed below for more information. The last meeting was held March 21, 2013. See the approved minutes below.
2014 Successful Grant Package for Phase 1
Click on the above link to view the 60 plus pages of the Grant Application. (large file) We would like to thank all the individuals and organizations that provided support letters for this applications. |
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