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There are NO ACTIVE Peddler Permits at this time. 

Please take notice, that the Farmington Town Clerk's Office is open until 6 p.m. on Wednesdays and not 6:30 p.m. as shown on the 2025 Town and County Tax bills. 

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 What are the "No Parking" Rules for the winter Months?
In accordance with Local Law 1 and 2 of the year 1978 for the Town of Farmington and Section 1684 of the Vehicle & Traffic Law for NYS Department of Transportation: (1) "the parking of any vehicle on any County or Town highway within the Town of Farmington, including Streets dedicated to the Town of Farmington within subdivisions, is hereby prohibited between November 1st of any year and April 1st of the following year." Abiding by this law will assist the Town of Farmington Highway Department in the Snow Removal process. Failure to comply could lead to your car being towed.  back to top

 When does the Town of Farmington come around and pick up leaves?
The Town of Farmington does not offer curbside pickup of leaves or brush. The Landfill/Transfer Station located at 420 Hook Road is available for residents to drop off brush, leaves and grass clippings. If you drop off leaves and grass clippings in plastic bags, the bags must be emptied on the Compost Pile and bags removed from the site. (Paper Bags are OK to put on Compost Pile.) ABSOLUTELY NO RAKING OF LEAVES INTO GUTTERS OR TO ROADSIDE!  back to top

 Where do I dispose of Hazardous Waste Material?
Ontario County holds a yearly Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day at the Ontario County Landfill - FCR Ontario Recycling Building, Routes 5 & 20, Stanley, NY. This event is usually held around mid-September each year. You can call 1-585-526-4420 for more information.  back to top

 How do I report a Streetlight that does not work properly or is completely out ?
There are a couple of different options to choose from in reporting a malfunctioning or broken Streetlight as follows: 1. You can report it to the Highway/Parks Dept. 2. You can go online to and click on Outage Central then click on Streetlight Outage then click on Streetlight Outage Form and complete the form 3. Call RG&E at 1-800-743-2110 Go thru menu to get to Customer Service Representative and report the problem  back to top

 Where do I Report a Dead Deer that needs to be picked up?
If the Deer is located on a Town Road, the Farmington Highway Department is responsible for picking it up. If the Deer is on a County Road the County is responsible for picking it up. A location is needed so as to be able to locate the animal. You can call the Highway Dept at 315-986-5540 or Ontario County at 585-396-4000 for County Road Pickups.  back to top

 Where do I dispose of my Xmas Tree?
We accept Xmas Trees at the Landfill on Hook Road during regular working hours or as per our Saturday Schedule located under "Frequently Used Forms & Schedules" webpage. The gate to the Landfill is open during the week from 8AM to 3:00pm.   back to top

 Where do I make a Water/Sewer Payment?
Water/Sewer payments are to be made at the Farmington Town Hall. Please visit their page for further information.  back to top

 Is Mulch available from the Town?
Our Landfill usually has a supply of mulch which is free to Town residents. A call to our Office to check availablity is recommended.   back to top

 What are the Landfill/Transfer Station Hours?
The Gate is open from 9AM to 3:00PM Monday thru Friday during normal business days. December thru April we are open the 3rd Saturday of the month from 8AM to 12:00PM. May thru November we are open the 2nd & 4th Saturday's of the month from 8AM to 12:00PM. A printable schedule is available on our website under "Frequently Used Forms and Schedules". Please note, we are not open on Government Holiday's.  back to top

 Am I allowed to shovel/plow snow into the Public Roadway?
The Highway Department spends thousands of dollars annually on snow removal to keep the roadway clear and safe for the traveling public. Shoveling/plowing snow into the roadway presents a hazard in the roadway not to mention that it is an illegal act. Appropriate action will be taken by the Town to all known offenders. Please consider your thoughts as you are driving down the road and come upon this hazard of others doing the same. The weather presents enough of a challenge negotiating the highways without needlessly adding to those challenges.  back to top

 What do I do to get the Snow Plow to stop filling in the end of my Driveway with snow?
Unfortunately, the snow from the Public Roadway has to go to the edge of the road. That is why there are snow banks on the side of the roads. The driveways at the road are going to receive some of this snow whether it is a 1" or 12" snow fall event. Please do not feel this is personal. The entire staff in the Highway Department also has to shovel snow out of their driveways when they get home.   back to top

 Does the Highway Department repair damages to lawns due to snow plowing operations?
When screened topsoil becomes available, the Highway Department will come around to repair and seed damaged areas from our snow removal activities. Topsoil generally becomes available around the end of April or beginning of May.   back to top

 What is the telephone number for Dig Safely New York and when should I call them?
Dialing 811 will put you in touch with a customer service representative at Dig Safely New York. Whether you're a do-it-yourselfer planning a weekend project or a professional excavator contracted for a home improvement job, one phone call to 811 will get your underground utility lines marked for free. You can go to which has a wealth of information pertaining to the rules and regulations regarding digging safely and responsibly.  back to top

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